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corporate affairs, grants + tenders

Sunlover Reef Cruises

There are a wealth of grant and tender opportunities available to businesses of all sizes and industries.​ At essbee we continually monitor the environment for opportunities on behalf of our clients by staying abreast of current affairs, registering for industry newsletters, subscribing to regional and state government media releases, and playing an active role in industry associations and agencies.

Responding to these opportunities can be very time-consuming requiring:

  • A specific style of writing that is succinct and clear.

  • Clarity of your objective and alignment to the opportunity.

  • Gathering of information and evidence from a variety of internal business sources, ensuring it is accurate, relevant and supports the application.

  • External research including the competitive environment, economic and population data, industry reports, and merit/benefits.

  • A combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence.

  • Focus and adherence to guidelines, rules and deadlines.

  • Confidentiality.

Many feel overwhelmed 'I don't know where to start' or ill-prepared 'I have no idea how to write an application - I'm not a words person', or simply do not have the time to prepare a submission while keeping their business running. Do not let these opportunities pass you by. At essbee we have assisted businesses successfully apply for a range of funding and in some cases built media and digital content to amplify the success. For example:

  • An opportunity was identified for Sunlover Reef Cruises when I discovered a call for Expressions of Interest for a project that would provide a major strategic advantage if successful. I led the project to compile the necessary information from a range of internal departments including finance, legal, and operations and wrote the submission.  While submissions were at the evaluation stage I liaised with the issuer and provided regular updates to internal stakeholders with verbal and written reports.  The submission was successful, and Sunlover was one of only two businesses invited to progress to the tender stage.

  • Wrote a 30-page submission that was successful in winning the national Qantas Tourism Award for Best Deluxe Accommodation in Australia for Lasseters Hotel Casino.

  • Wrote a grant submission that secured funding from the Northern Territory Government to develop a Chinese website and collateral for Lasseters Hotel Casino

  • Joint funding with the Queensland Government Office of the Minister for Innovation and Tourism Industry Development to build infrastructure at Sunlover's Arlington Reef pontoon. Case study below and shown in the gallery at the top of this page.

I liaised extensively with the Queensland Government Office of the Minister for Innovation and Tourism Industry Development to announce joint funding to build infrastructure at Sunlover's Arlington Reef pontoon. The announcement involved writing joint media releases, complying with the relevant terms of the Financial Agreement issued by the Office, escorting the Minister’s team to scope locations for a press conference including a secondary plan for inclement weather, and supporting the Minister's team on the day with logistics and last-minute changes to their press packs.  

I briefed Sunlover's spokesperson on the press conference including the order of events, attendees and advisement on important points to make, and potential issues that might be raised.

The announcement was supported by website content and social media announcements that were pre-written and approved by the Minister’s office and ready to go live as soon as an embargo was lifted.  Visuals were created by liaising with an illustrator to provide an artist impression, more difficult because the final design had not been approved.

Media in Queensland and travel media internationally featured the news and supplied visuals gaining further benefit and industry reach for Sunlover.

While ultimately every submission's outcome is decided by a panel do not let perceived barriers prevent you from seizing a potentially business-changing opportunity.  Or in the words of two of our greatest minds...

“We only regret the chances we didn’t take...”― Lewis Carroll

"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

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Hot Neons Gradients Brand Guidelines Presentation (3).jpg
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Artist Impression Release of Waterslides to be added to Sunlover's Arlington Reef.png
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